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Equine GastroIntestinal Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) | An eCourse
Introduction & Overview
EGUS Course Overview (1:31)
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Section 1 - Ulcers, The Tip Of The Iceburg
What Is An Ulcer? (3:04)
Anatomy of the Equine Gastro Intestinal Tract (11:46)
The Prevalence of Ulcers (3:23)
Why We Need To Understand Ulcers (2:01)
All Ulcers Cause The Horse To Have Pain (4:30)
Behavioral Consequences of Ulcers (1:36)
Other Serious Consequences (2:15)
Signs of Symptoms of Ulcers in the Digestive Tract (8:20)
Section 2: Clinical Diagnosis of Equine Gastro Intestinal Ulcers
Introduction (8:15)
Clinical Diagnosis by Palpation of Reactive Fascia and Acupuncture Points (13:14)
Positive Palpation Reactions in Horses With Ulcers (5:15)
Section 3: Treatment of Equine Gastro Intestinal Ulcers With Acupuncture
Confirmation of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol (4:10)
Acupuncture/Acupressure Points Location for EGUS Treatment (15:12)
Ulcer Case 1 | Tiger (12:30)
Ulcer Case 2 | Smokey (25:24)
Section 4: Conventional and Naturopathic Approaches To Treatment
Conventional and Traditional Medical Treatment
Nutraceuticals and Herbal Supplementation
Holistic Management and Prevention
The Complexities of Hindgut Ulcers
Anatomy of the Equine Gastro Intestinal Tract
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